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[hylafax-users] Automated print-to-fax

I am attempting to create a Hylafax process to replace a RightFAX feature that sends a fax when a client prints to a pseudo-printer.


I’m using a script that worked for someone once upon a time with just a little modification (cupsfax, attached) that extracts the fax-to number from the print stream.


Printing to the printer on the client system does cause the script to execute on the Hylafax server, but I’m seeing some errors:


“D [22/Jan/2011:06:53:52 -0600] [Job 6] /etc/cups/interfaces/HPFAX: Permission denied”

I was originally thinking the application couldn’t access /etc/cups/interfaces/HPFAX (-rwxr-xr-x), but now think this may be something within the file that causes the permission-denied error. /etc/cups/interfaces/HPFAX is a copy of cupsfax (attached).


Permissions of the files that are explicitly named in cupsfax seem OK.


I’m wondering about ‘FAXFILE=$6’  “The file to print”  Permission is –rw-r-----. I assume this is OK ‘cause that’s how the file is created in the spool directory.


When I get past this issue, I think I’m going to be wondering how to make this work with a pcl file vs. a ps file.


I’d really appreciate any help.




Attachment: cupsfax
Description: Binary data

Attachment: error_log
Description: Binary data

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