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Re: [hylafax-users] Ecartis command results: appsub hylafax-users kaloqn.ganchev@gmail.com 4D0FAB31:2430.2:ulynsnkhfref


I am running Centos 5.5 DRBD/Pacemaker cluster and I am uing Hylafax 4.3.9. Moving Hylafax resources in the cluster with the distribution's init script and the fact that faxgetty resides in the inittab is far from smooth. Is there LSB or OCF compliant script for Hylafax that manage and faxgetty too ? I know that Debian has init script that may do the work but it is non trivial moving it to Centos. I'll really appreciate some help because I have to do customer demo in two days.

Best regards,

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