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Re: [hylafax-users] no font metric information found

Kane Wong wrote:
I am evaluating a new Hylafax+ 5.4.1 on Fedora 12, I checked the default ghostscript in Fedora 12; it is using version 8.71, except these two folders /usr/share/fonts/default/amspsfnt/pfb: and
/usr/share/fonts/default/cmpsfont/pfb:, I have all folders listed in the hyla.conf file
[root@localhost hylafax]# sendfax -n -D -d 6144266666 testpage
/usr/sbin/textfmt: No font metric information found for "Courier-Bold".
Usage: /usr/sbin/textfmt [-1] [-2] [-B] [-c] [-D] [-f fontname] [-F fontdir(s)] [-m N] [-o #] [-p #] [-r] [-U] [-Ml=#,r=#,t=#,b=#] [-V #] files... >out.ps
Default options: -f Courier -1 -p 11bp -o 0
Error converting data; command was "/usr/sbin/textfmt -B -f Courier-Bold -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s default > '/tmp//sndfaxxa0beB' < 'testpage'"

Ghostscript 8.71 segfaults (crashes) on running genfontmap.ps. This leaves HylaFAX without a Fontmap file to use on that version.

Edit your faxsetup script and change this:

$PATH_GSRIP -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sFONTPATH="$FONTPATHS" $DIR_SPOOL/bin/genfontmap.ps > $DIR_SPOOL/etc/Fontmap.HylaFAX 2>/dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ]; then

to this:

$PATH_GSRIP -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sFONTPATH="$FONTPATHS" $DIR_SPOOL/bin/genfontmap.ps > $DIR_SPOOL/etc/Fontmap.HylaFAX 2>/dev/null
if [ -n "`$GREP Courier-Bold $DIR_SPOOL/etc/Fontmap.HylaFAX`" ]; then

This change will be in the next HylaFAX+ release.



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