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Hello Jonny,
Thx for your help.
I looked into the Config Files and realized that MaxRcvdPages was not even set. (I thougt that is will be set to unlimited as default in this case)
Now I set it to 400 and I tested it with an 100 pages fax, 150 pages and 200 pages and it worked fine.
Now my other problem and your questions regarding it:
Yes you are right I'am using Ghostscript the version is: 8.53
But I don't know where the options are standing . . exactly I even don't know where the Ghostscript is called.
I didn't set this server up, I only got it when I joined this firm.
Best regards
From: Jonny Berthiaume [mailto:jberthiaume@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 21:31
To: Bjoern.Klemme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] HylaFax sends out inverted Pages
On your first problem, I would guess it's related to the parameter "MaxRecvPages". You can consult the man page "hylafax-config" for a complete description.
For the second though, I don't know but you are maybe using a wrong option to convert your file to TIFF format. Do you use Ghostscript, what version, what are the options used?
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:35 AM, Bjoern Klemme <Bjoern.Klemme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have got a problem with my Hylafax installation.
First of all my Configuration:
I'm operating two hylafax Servers in Debian Sarge Systems.
The Hylafax version is 4.3.1 stable.
As ISDN Interface I use in each server an Active C4 Controller from AVM. With the newest stable Firmware and Capi4Hylafax Module.
No we have got the following two proplems:
- When we are receiving a fax which has got more than 80 pages every page from page 80 on is completely black. Perhaps there are some information about this issue, and im not the only one with this problem. Every solution hint is usefull
- The second issue is more complicated. When I sent out a fax I have got sometimes the problem that the first page is ok, but the second Page is inverted. (Everthing which should be black is white and the other way round. The source Files of these faxes are a PDF File converted to PS and the second page which is inverted is a Black-white Tiff File.
It would be really grate to get some hints about the solution of this problems.
If you nbeed more information just write me.
THX and best regards
Viele Grüsse / Best regards
Björn Klemme
Production & Technology / SPCI Operation
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Fax: +49(0)5246-80-2883
E-Mail: bjoern.klemme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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