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Re: [hylafax-users] FaxAdmin and hfaxd.conf

Ok more info on this one.  I have traced it back and the request is coming from AvantFax when AvantFAX calls faxstat, faxalter, faxrm, sendfax, and friends it causes this to happen.  As best as i can tell hylafax just sees this as apache making the request but for some reason dumps the request off through PAM as faxadmin. Which we do use to authenticate on log in.  My question is: Is there a way to stop Hylafax from using PAM if nothing else just to see if the AvantFax crew is correct or way off.  I have tried adding the "faxadmin" user but that didn't make one bit of difference.

>>> On 10/15/2008 at 2:14 PM, in message <1637adde0810151214g2c05fbb4l9c3f6ea37eb3db67@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Aidan Van Dyk" <aidan@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
In hfaxd.conf, set ServerTracing to an appropriate value.  See the
hfaxd man page for a descriptiong... 0xFFFFFF is an over-the-top
setting which will make it log everything.

All it's logs to to syslog (see LogFacility in the same man page), and
should appear wherever syslog is saving them.

2008/10/15 Joe Kissner <jkissner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> May not be the brightest of questions, but how do i enable logging?

Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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