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Re: [hylafax-users] Resize pdf to document size

Hi Alex

Maybe the following extracts from one of our script helps you. It is processing heterogeneous pdf input (like too big, too small, landscape and portrait mixed in one pdf etc.) and standardizes the output to A4. It needs a few tools: pdftk, gs, convert and tiffcp. The CPU load might be high during conversion - and conversion might take time for large documents.

The two methods, PDF->TIFF or PDF->PDF, are independent.

$FN contains the input file (pdf). Output is either $FN\.out.tif or $FN\.out.pdf .

Method 1, PDF -> TIFF:

    echo `date +%T.%N` Method CONVERTTIFF
    echo `date +%T.%N` Splitting PDF...

pdftk $FN burst output $FN\_singlepage_%03d.pdf
convert +dither -density 204x196 $FN\_singlepage_*.pdf -colorspace GRAY -rotate "-90>" -quality 100 $FN\_%03d.png
rm $FN\_singlepage_*.pdf

convert +antialias +dither $FN\_*.png -adjoin -modulate 80 -level 30% -white-threshold 85% -black-threshold 20% -dither -monochrome -page A4+0-35 $FN\.out_temp.pdf

rm $FN\_*.png

gs -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=A4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -r204x196 -sOutputFile=$FN\.out_temp.tif $FN\.out_temp.pdf
tiffcp -c g3 -r -1 -f lsb2msb $FN\.out_temp.tif $FN\.out.tif
rm $FN\.out_temp.*

    echo `date +%T.%N` I am done.

OR, Method 2, PDF -> PDF


    echo `date +%T.%N` Method CONVERTPDF
    echo `date +%T.%N` Splitting PDF...

pdftk $FN burst output $FN\_singlepage_%03d.pdf
convert +dither -density 209.10x196 $FN\_singlepage_*.pdf -colorspace GRAY -rotate "-90>" -quality 100 $FN\_%03d.png
rm $FN\_singlepage_*.pdf

convert +antialias +dither $FN\_*.png -adjoin -modulate 80 -level 30% -white-threshold 85% -black-threshold 20% -dither -monochrome -page A4 $FN\.out.pdf
rm $FN\_*.png

echo `date +%T.%N` I am done.


Kind regards, Konrad

Alexander Busam wrote:

I'm using Hylafax to send a fax via email (postfix).

How can I resize or shrink a pdf-document automaticaly to the paper size e. g. A4 ?

Thanks for help :-)

Regards, Alex

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