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Hello! Is it possible that Hylafax informs the faxsender not only of failed jobs but of successfully sent faxes also? Greetings -- Andreas Meyer We live in an incredible age. Information is obtained at the speed of light. Mein öffentlicher GPG-Schlüssel unter: http://gpg-keyserver.de/pks/lookup?search=anmeyer&fingerprint=on&op=index ____________________ HylaFAX(tm) Users Mailing List _______________________ To subscribe/unsubscribe, click http://lists.hylafax.org/cgi-bin/lsg2.cgi On UNIX: mail -s unsubscribe hylafax-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx < /dev/null *To learn about commercial HylaFAX(tm) support, mail sales@xxxxxxxxx*