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Re: [hylafax-users] special dialing ...

I am so thankful to you.
Your sample file really helped a lot.
Here is what I come up with and it works just the way I wanted !!!
I used dialrules-europe , that works with my country dialing rules...
DialString := [
[-${WS}.]+              =                       ! strip syntactic sugar
^${IDPrefix}${Country}${Area}   =               ! local phone call
^${LDPrefix}${Area}     =                       ! local phone call
^${IDPrefix}${Country}  = ${LDPrefix}           ! STD call (long distance)
^[+]${Country}${Area}   =                       ! local phone call
^[+]${Country}          = ${LDPrefix}           ! STD call (long distance)
^[+]  = ${IDPrefix}
[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] = 1045&
Thanks a lot,
Burak Ural
On 4/14/08, Karl Denninger <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Burak Ural wrote:
Thanks for the reply.
I just tried lots of configuration.
I played a lot with dialrules.europe since it removes prefixes when dialing numbers with local area number (0216) and local country code (+90).
However, I could not manage to add 1045 to the beginning of dialing string when long distance and international calling made.
Please , I really need help...
Burak Ural
On 4/14/08, Karl Denninger <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Burak Ural wrote:
 I'm a beginner in Hylafax...
I have setup binary package of Hylafax 4.4.4 on a Centos 4.4 OS.
 I am using Frogfax on windows client to send faxes.
It works but I want to use a special number for dialing all numbers except local ones.
The number is 1045
During setup I used Country Code 90 , Area Code 216 , Long distance prefix 10450 , International dialing prefix 104500
 The reason is , when I fax any number that begins with 0216 should be dialed as local number.
Example: 0216.xxx.xx.xx should be dialed as xxx.xx.xx
Any number that is like 0212.xxx.xx.xx should be dialed as 10450212.xxx.xx.xx
Any number that is like 0049.xxx....   should be dialed as 10450049.xxx.... Frogfax client has no place in phonebook such as area code or country codes. It just dials exactly whatever I enter.
 Could you please advise which settings should be entered to hylafax configuration?
How can I make Frogfax use area codes?
 Best Regards,
Burak Ural
Look at "dialrules" and use "dialtest" to check it.

There is almost nothing you cannot accomplish using this file.  I have a HIGHLY customized copy here.

Karl Denninger (karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)

You need to MODIFY the base file.

Here's a copy of the file I use - the CCPREFIX and CCSUFFIX lines are commented out along with the action lines that make them "work", but this should give you an idea of how to get where you want to be.

This is not the default - it does a couple of "special" things for my use here having to do with area codes and "1"s in front of them, but is otherwise pretty basis.

Read the docs, play with it, and use "dialtest" to get what you want to happen to happen.

! $Id: dialrules,v 1.7 1996/06/24 02:59:32 sam Rel $
! HylaFAX (tm) Dialing String Processing Rules.
! This file describes how to process user-specified dialing strings
! to create two items:
! CanonicalNumber: a unique string that is derived from all dialing
! strings to the same destination phone number.  This string is used
! by the fax server for ``naming'' the destination.
! DialString: the string passed to the modem for use in dialing the
! telephone.  This string should be void of any characters that might
! confuse the modem.
Area=${AreaCode}                ! local area code
Country=${CountryCode}          ! local country code
IDPrefix=${InternationalPrefix} ! prefix for placing an international call
LDPrefix=${LongDistancePrefix}  ! prefix for placing a long distance call
WS="    "                       ! our notion of white space
! Convert a phone number to a canonical format:
!    +<country><areacode><rest>
! by (possibly) stripping off leading dialing prefixes for
! long distance and/or international dialing.
CanonicalNumber := [
#.*                     =                       ! strip calling card stuff
[abcABC]                = 2                     ! these convert alpha to numbers
[defDEF]                = 3
[ghiGHI]                = 4
[jklJKL]                = 5
[mnoMNO]                = 6
[prsPRS]                = 7
[tuvTUV]                = 8
[wxyWXY]                = 9
[^+0-9]+                =                       ! strip white space etc.
!^${IDPrefix}           = +                     ! replace int. dialing code
!^${LDPrefix}           = +${Country}           ! replace l.d. dialing code
!^[^+]                  = +${Country}${Area}&   ! otherwise, insert canon form
! Process a dialing string according to local requirements.
! These rules do only one transformation: they convert in-country
! international calls to long-distance calls.
DialString := [
[-${WS}.]+              =                       ! strip syntactic sugar
[a-zA-Z]                =                       ! Strip alpha
^${Area}([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])             = \1
[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] = 1&
![0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] = ${CCPREFIX}&
!^${CCPREFIX}.*         = &${CCSUFFIX}
!^[+]${Country}         = ${LDPrefix}           ! long distance call
!^[+]                   = ${IDPrefix}           ! international call
Karl Denninger (karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)

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