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[hylafax-users] Send Fax notifications and more

Hi To all.

I was able to customize the notifications for the received faxes, ie looking 
in a custom addressbook to show in the subject the sender company name 
matching the tsi of the sender, etc. I do this customization in the 
FaxDispatch file

Now i want to do something similar but for the sent faxes, where to look for? 
what script manage the notifications?

Other think that i'm interested is to know if it is possible to pass sendfax a 
comment to show along with the fax from the clients or in the faxstat. I'm 
looking for this to pass the company name, or the document name, etc

We send batches of faxes and we need a fast way to revise what documents have 
failed, or if we missed some.


Un saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés.
clmates AT mundo-r DOT com

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