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Re: [hylafax-users] faxmail max calls

Hi Lee.

El Martes, 12 de Febrero de 2008, Lee Howard escribió:
> faxmail | sendfax -t 3 -T 3 -d somenumber
> This won't work, of course, with hylafax.org 4.4 versions, but it will
> work with HylaFAX+ versions and versions prior to 4.4.

I will have a look at this, i'm using hylafax 4.3 (i think), i have to revise 
this at work.

What happens if the mail has several attachments, sendfax will send all 
documents in a single call, or perhaps faxmail pipes all output as a single 
document to sendfax?

Many thanks

Un saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés.
clmates AT mundo-r DOT com

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