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[hylafax-users] sendfax and dialrules

Hi All,

I am having a little problem with sendfax and dial rules, basically, it
appears that sendfax is not applying the dialrules to a submitted fax.

I need to ensure that any number submitted to the fax queue ends up
having a DialString of the form:


I have checked the man pages and read through the newsgroup for info,
and have managed to come up with a relatively decent dialrules file that
seems to work for all instances that I have tested with. The
modifications are as follows:

DialString := [
[-${WS}.]+              =
\(                      =
\)                      =
[abcABC]                = 2
[defDEF]                = 3
[ghiGHI]                = 4
[jklJKL]                = 5
[mnoMNO]                = 6
[prsPRS]                = 7
[tuvTUV]                = 8
[wxyWXY]                = 9
^00                     = +
^[1-9][0-9]{6}$         = ${Area}&
^0                      =
^[1-9]                  = ${IDPrefix}${Country}&
^\+                     = ${IDPrefix}

I then put the dialrules into place, and attempt to submit a fax to the
queue, with the expectation of sendfax parsing dialrules and modifying
the dialstring to what I am expecting.

For example, assuming a number of 1112222, running

dialtest -a 01 -c 353 -i 00 -l 0 ./dialrules

and testing it with 1112222, I get the following:

./dialrules: line 4273824704: Define AreaCode = "01"
./dialrules: line 4273824704: Define CountryCode = "353"
./dialrules: line 4273824704: Define InternationalPrefix = "00"
./dialrules: line 4273824704: Define LongDistancePrefix = "0"
./dialrules: line 16: Define Area = "01"
./dialrules: line 17: Define Country = "353"
./dialrules: line 18: Define IDPrefix = "00"
./dialrules: line 19: Define LDPrefix = "0"
./dialrules: line 21: Define WS = "     "
./dialrules: line 30: CanonicalNumber := [
./dialrules: line 31:   "%.*" = ""
./dialrules: line 32:   "[abcABC]" = "2"
./dialrules: line 33:   "[defDEF]" = "3"
./dialrules: line 34:   "[ghiGHI]" = "4"
./dialrules: line 35:   "[jklJKL]" = "5"
./dialrules: line 36:   "[mnoMNO]" = "6"
./dialrules: line 37:   "[prsPRS]" = "7"
./dialrules: line 38:   "[tuvTUV]" = "8"
./dialrules: line 39:   "[wxyWXY]" = "9"
./dialrules: line 40:   "[^+0-9]+" = ""
./dialrules: line 41:   "^00" = "+"
./dialrules: line 42:   "^0" = "+353"
./dialrules: line 43:   "^[^+]" = "+35301&"
./dialrules: line 44: ]
./dialrules: line 50: DialString := [
./dialrules: line 51:   "[-     .]+" = ""
./dialrules: line 52:   "\(" = ""
./dialrules: line 53:   "\)" = ""
./dialrules: line 54:   "[abcABC]" = "2"
./dialrules: line 55:   "[defDEF]" = "3"
./dialrules: line 56:   "[ghiGHI]" = "4"
./dialrules: line 57:   "[jklJKL]" = "5"
./dialrules: line 58:   "[mnoMNO]" = "6"
./dialrules: line 59:   "[prsPRS]" = "7"
./dialrules: line 60:   "[tuvTUV]" = "8"
./dialrules: line 61:   "[wxyWXY]" = "9"
./dialrules: line 65:   "^00" = "+"
./dialrules: line 66:   "^[1-9][0-9]{6}$" = "01&"
./dialrules: line 67:   "^0" = ""
./dialrules: line 68:   "^[1-9]" = "00353&"
./dialrules: line 69:   "^\+" = "00"
./dialrules: line 70: ]
ready> 1112222
Apply CanonicalNumber rules to "1112222"
--> match rule "^[^+]", result now "+353011112222"
--> return result "+353011112222"
Apply DialString rules to "1112222"
--> match rule "^[1-9][0-9]{6}$", result now "011112222"
--> match rule "^0", result now "11112222"
--> match rule "^[1-9]", result now "0035311112222"
--> return result "0035311112222"
Apply DisplayNumber rules to "1112222"
--> return result "1112222"
canonical = "+353011112222"
dial-string = "0035311112222"
display = "1112222"

Which is exactly what I am expecting. I assume the "dial-string"
parameter is what is passed over to ATDT as it's dial string.

However, this does not work for me, if I then submit a fax like this:

sendfax -n -T 3 -d 1112222 /etc/hosts

The modem attempts to dial 1112222 and not 0035311112222?!

Is there something I am missing, my <spool_dir>/etc/config looks like this:

LogFacility:            daemon
CountryCode:            353
AreaCode:               01
LongDistancePrefix:     0
InternationalPrefix:    00
DialStringRules:        "etc/dialrules"
ServerTracing:          1
MaxConcurrentCalls:     6

Have I missed something somewhere, is this normal behaviour for sendfax?
 How would I make sendfax apply the dialrules to user submitted fax? Is
that possible?

I am running HylaFAX+ 5.1.8, with IAXModem 0.3.2.


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