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Re: [hylafax-users] problem taking first page out

* Igor Neves <igor@xxxxxxxx> [070903 14:45]:
> Hi,
> I have setup the last hylafax 4.4.1 for using typerules parsing the
> attachments.
> It's working and parsing the attachements PDF and DOC, as i need.
> I tried using the '-T' option, to take out the blank spaces, but it does
> not work, if i submit the job with '-T' option, in the faxmail, it says
> "job summited...", but it never gets in the queue, right after that, if
> i do 'faxstat -as' i dont see any fax there, i only see the modem doing
> something like "restart?".

Can you show us the faxq server logs?  Sounds like faxq got the job, but
something in the preparation failed (so you see the job submitted, the
modem restarting after being assigned the job).

> It's there anyway to take out the first page?

It works for me ;-)  Can you run faxmail by hand on the message, with
verbose (-v) and send the output from faxmail to me?
	faxmail -v -n -T $DIAL < /path/to/message

> Or say somehow to faxmail, to only process attachments, and leave all
> the rest off the fax?

Defining "attachments" is the tricky part.  Based it on the
Content-Disposition header (which you're client seems to do, but many
others don't).  Or consider the "first" attachment to be "rest of the
fax" and drop that one?  You want application/pdf and
application/ms-word go be considered attachments, and others only want
application/pdf.  And of course, we need to include
application/octet-stream in that decision process too..


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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