![]() |
Nope. No luck.
Files still are 0-sized.... I will try to test some more, but right now I'm so busy I hardly have time to go eat! So, in case anybody comes up with a solution, please write us back! Or suggestion for debugging this dingit....
Log into the machine, and go to the hylafax spool dir. (/var/spool/hylafax) You should have a number of .tif files in recvq/
bin/faxrcvd recvq/fax0000001.tif 123 123 123 Obviously, change the filename to match one that's present.
On 5/24/07, *kranzella* <flunardi@xxxxxxxx <mailto:flunardi@xxxxxxxx> > wrote:
i have the same error.Try to install metamail and sharutils and check this line in setup.cache
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Da:* hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx> [mailto:hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:hylafax-users-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx>] *Per conto di *Marcello Golfieri *Inviato:* mercoledì 23 maggio 2007 14.21 *A:* Lee Howard *Cc:* hylaFax Mailing liste *Oggetto:* Re: [hylafax-users] Notify attachments missing in Hylafax+ 5.1.4
Errata corrige.
I didn't check 'till the end... Attachments now exist so they don't trigger a server-side error, unfortunately they are 0-sized attachments, whatever kind of RETURNFILETYPE I specify!
Received: from localdomain.it <http://localdomain.it> (localhost.localdomain
[ <>])
localdomain.it <http://localdomain.it> (Postfix) with ESMTP id 913093B07ED
for <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>; Wed, 23 May 2007 15:12:52 +0200 (CEST)
Received: (from uucp@localhost) by localdomain.it <http://localdomain.it> (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) id l4NDCqpD027796;
Wed, 23 May 2007 15:12:52 +0200
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 15:12:52 +0200 From: fax@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:fax@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Message-Id: <
200705231312.l4NDCqpD027796@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:200705231312.l4NDCqpD027796@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; Boundary="NextPart27684"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: fax 27 per 495 completato
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
--NextPart27684 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Il fax per 495 è stato completato con successo.
Destinatario: 495
Mittente: admin
admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Pagine: 1 Ricevente: +395xxxxxxxx Qualità: Normale Larghezza pagina: 209 (mm) Altezza pagina: 296 (mm) Velocità di trasmissione: 14400 bit/s
Formato dati: 2-D MMR Dispositivo remoto: Brother MFC-3100C/MFC-8600 Modem: ttyIAX0 Inviato da: localhost.localdomain JobID: 27
GroupID: 27
CommID: c000000027
Il tempo di elaborazione è stato 0:56.
---- Documenti accodati per l\'invio ----
I seguenti documenti erano stati accodati per l'invio e sono
disponibili sul server per essere riutilizzati finché non saranno automaticamente
eliminati quando questo lavoro sarà rimosso. I documenti possono anche essere manualmente eliminati con il comando faxrm; consultare faxrm(1) per maggiori informazioni.
Nome file Dimensione Tipo
docq/doc28.ps 3690 PostScript
--NextPart27684 Content-Type: image/tiff; name="495-1.tif" Content-Description: FAX document Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="
Any idea? Shouldn't have messed up anything, curious I'm encountering these strange behaviours...
Thanks in advance.
On 5/23/07, *Marcello Golfieri* <golfieri@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:golfieri@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
That worked! I mean, I did rerun faxsetup, but I was confident about it autofilling the ENCODING field. Instead, it was empty. As you said, entering base64 as default encoding did the trick.
On 5/21/07, *Lee Howard* <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Marcello Golfieri wrote:
>--NextPart4500 >Content-Type: image/tiff; name=" >495-1.tif" >Content-Description: FAX document >Content-Transfer-Encoding: >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" 495-1.tif" > > >--NextPart4500-- > > > > You can see the problem: Content-Transfer-Encoding: is not set, and > the attachment itself is missing. note that whatever kind of > RETURNFILETYPE you request in FaxNotify, you always get the same > error message and mail source.
Please re-run faxsetup. Then double-check the ENCODING in /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache to make sure it says "base64".
-- Marcello Golfieri
-- Marcello Golfieri
-- Marcello Golfieri
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