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[hylafax-users] Contributing an init script for faxgetty


I've gotten hylafax working really well (thanks to the help from this
list) and since I need it running on a cluster of PCs I can't have the
faxgetty process being run from  /etc/inittab.

Found a bash script someone wrote to do this but it was too primitive
and some portions didn't work with me. So I re-wrote most of it to
work. If you use this you'd need to install  killproc program.

This is good cos you can do /etc/init.d/faxgetty {start | stop | status}
Anyone is free to use it and/or make it better. So far I hardcoded the
/dev/ttyS0 inside it to suit my needs. If someone can make it better
and parameterize it or make it get the device from
/var/spool/fax/config.ttyS0 or something, that'd be cool (me not much
of a scripter).

# By George El-Haddad
# Free for anyone to modify
# description: Fax Terminal for Hylafax
# processname: faxgetty
# pidfile: /var/run/faxgetty.pid

start() {
	echo -n "Starting FaxGetty: "
	/usr/sbin/faxgetty -D /dev/ttyS0
       touch /var/lock/subsys/faxgetty
	eend $?;

status() {
	if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/faxgetty ]; then
		echo -n "FaxGetty is running on /dev/ttyS0"
		eend 0
		echo -n "FaxGetty is not running"
		eend 0

stop() {
	echo -n "Shutting down FaxGetty: "
       killproc /usr/sbin/faxgetty
       rm -f /var/lock/subsys/faxgetty
       rm -f /var/run/faxgetty.pid
	eend $?;

"Nothing is impossible for the person that doesn't have to do it"
"The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability"
"If I were a roman statue, I'd be made alabastard"
George H

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