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Re: [hylafax-users] Fixing line break issues

Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

I have a file that is showing :

valhalla# cqtest fax000000031.tif 1728 x 297, 7.7 line/mm, 2-D MR, lsb-to-msb
TIFFReadRawStrip: fax000000031.tif: Read error at scanline 4294967295, strip 0; got 149844 bytes, expected 306638.
Read error on strip 0

	And I could bet the farm there was a utility to fix
this, clean it up per se, but I can't find it for the life of me.
Can someone remind me ?

On some of my installations in FaxDispatch I use tiffsplit to split up the fax into individual pages and then tiffcp to rejoin them and ensure that in whatever the next step is that the TIFF file is entirely useable.

# clean up the TIFF from unintelligible pages
mkdir $TMPDIR
tiffsplit ../../$FILE
tiffcp * ../../$FILE
cd ../..
rm -rf $TMPDIR

I'm usually not a big fan of changing the recvq files from their original form, however... so sometimes I keep a backup of the original or change $FILE to point to the new file.


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