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Re: [hylafax-users] multitech MT5600zdxv class-1

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Am Dienstag, 20. Februar 2007 18:56 schrieb Michel Donais:
> Is it possible to find somewhere a modem configuration sample for de
> MT5600zdxv to be used in class 1.
> Michel Donais
Hi Michel,

I put a sample configuration for a MT 5634 Class 1 below.
Change the XXXX according to your needs. Although the config is for a 5634 it 
could work for a 5600 too,

CountryCode:		49
AreaCode:		XXXXX
LongDistancePrefix:	1
InternationalPrefix:	011
DialStringRules:	etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:		1
SessionTracing:		0xff
RecvFileMode:		0644
LogFileMode:		0600
DeviceMode:		0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:	2
SpeakerVolume:		off
GettyArgs:		"-h %l dx_%s"
LogFacility:		local5
TagLineFont:		etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:		"From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
PercentGoodLines:	0
MaxConsecutiveBadLines:	0
RTNHandlingMethod:      ignore
MaxRecvPages:		25
WedgedCmd:		bin/wedged
FaxRcvdCmd:		bin/faxrcvd
NotifyCmd:		bin/notify

ModemType:		Class1		# use this to supply a hint
ModemResetCmds:         ATZX3
ModemFlowControl:	rtscts		# many firmwares have broken software flow control
Class1TMConnectDelay:	400		# counteract quick CONNECT response
ModemDialCmd:           ATDT0,%s                
Class1Cmd:              AT+FCLASS=1     # command to enter class 1
Class1EOPWaitCmd:  "<delay:9>"
Class1TCFWaitCmd:  "<delay:7>"
Class1PPMWaitCmd:  "<delay:7>"
Class1MsgRecvHackCmd:   ""      # command to avoid +FCERROR before image
Class1TCFResponseDelay: 75              # 75ms delay between recv TCF & 
Class1SendMsgDelay:     75              # 75ms delay after training
Class1SwitchingCmd:  "<delay:7>"
Class1TrainingRecovery: 1500            # 1.5sec delay after training failure
Class1RecvAbortOK:      200             # wait 200ms for abort response
Class1FrameOverhead:    4               # 4 byte overhead in recvd HDLC frames
Class1RecvIdentTimer:   40000           # 35+5secs waiting for ident frames
Class1TCFMaxNonZero:    10              # max 10% of data may be non-zero
Class1TCFMinRun:        1000            # min run is 2/3rds of TCF duration

- -- 
Matthias Reich  

mail: rei@xxxxxxxx web: http://www.hagos.de
phone: +49 711 7880592 fax: +49 711 7880535
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


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