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Re: [hylafax-users] hyla.conf ?

* Chip Mefford <cpm@xxxxxxxxxxx> [070207 10:19]:
> My tarball installation of hylafax-4.3.1.tar.gz
> doesn't appear to have built a hyla.conf, which
> is referred to in a few howtos on faxmail in
> ref to doing mimetype conversions.
> ref:
> http://hylafax.sourceforge.net/howto/misc/faxmail-mimeconverters.php
> Am I missing something? (obviously)

These files probably don't exist unless you've made them.  HylaFAX
doesn't install empty on it's install.

You can find out where they should be by using a command like:
	strings `which faxmail` | grep .conf$

On my debian install, it outputs:

On a default source compiled faxmail I have, it outputs:


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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