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Re: [hylafax-users] problems with text faxes

hchris@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

rule: offset 0 ascii = -- success (result postscript, rule "%F/textfmt -B
-f Courier-Bold -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s %s >%o <%i")
CONVERT "/usr/sbin/textfmt -B -f Courier-Bold -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s default

/tmp//sndfax2nqukC </home/faxserver3/httpd/mimemail/allgem/244949.txt"

rule: offset 0 ascii = -- failed (unprintable char 0xfc)
no match
/home/faxserver3/httpd/mimemail/allgem/244949.txt: Can not determine file

typerules uses the isprint() and isspace() functions to determine if the file is truly printable ASCII text or if it is not. The behavior of these functions can vary depending upon the locale. So it would seem to me that when you're logged in on the console that you're using one locale, and when the application is running the same command it is using a different locale setting.

Take a look at the `locale` command and its output.


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