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Re: [hylafax-users] HylaFax Permisions

* Pere <pere.saisl@xxxxxxxxx> [070102 13:55]:
> Hi,
> I've reconnected a Fax Server with Debian and Hylafax, it has been 
> working for some time, but stay stoped for some month. Now I'm the 
> administrator of the lan and will reactivate the fax service again. But 
> I'm new using Hylafax.
> The only thing I've changed, from the initial configuration, is the 
> modem; so, I've run */faxaddmodem ttyS0/* and reconfigured it, and now 
> Hylafax detect it.
> Now, i'm having problems with permissions. When I receive a fax, I'm 
> getting the next errors:
> Jan  2 20:14:56 montseny FaxGetty[2509]: _/*log/seqf: open: Permission denied*/_
> Jan  2 20:14:56 montseny FaxGetty[2509]: Couldn't get next seqnum for session log: Unable to open sequence number file log/seqf; Permission denied.
> Jan  2 20:15:03 montseny FaxGetty[2509]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION  DEVICE '/dev/ttyS0'
> Jan  2 20:16:03 montseny FaxGetty[3517]: _/*Error writing RECV accounting record, dest=+34 936 721 083*/_
> Jan  2 20:16:05 montseny FaxGetty[2509]: _/*Error writing CALL accounting record, dest=+34 936 721 083*/_

> Looking at the /var/spool/hylafax, user uucp has read and write 
> permission on all files, directories and subdirectories, uucp is the 
> owner of all the files. Hylafax process are runnning with uucp user too.
> Where could be the problem?
It sure looks like a permission problem in $SPOOL/log.

If you're sure that faxgetty is running as UUCP, and all the files under
/var/spool/hylafax/log are owned by UUCP, you will have to do something
like strace faxgetty and see why i isn't able to open those files and
write to those files:
	strace -s 80 -o <some file> -tt -p <PID>


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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