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Re: [hylafax-users] Multiple Faxes to one destination in one call

* David A Davidson <d_davidson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [070102 10:58]:
> Is this setting MaxBatchJobs or MaxBatchJobsS1 as the documentation
> indicates?

From the man page hylafax-config:

       The  following  table  itemizes the tags and the expected type of their
       value.  The first part lists items specific to the  operation  of  each
       server, while the second part has items related to the servicing of the
       modem.  Parameters marked with a ¹ are used only by the HylaFAX  sched-
       uler  process and should appear only in the file named config.  Parame-
       ters marked with a ² are used by both the scheduler and the  per-device
       applications  and  so  should  appear  in all appropriate configuration
       files (i.e.  config and any per-device files that make sense).

       MaxBatchJobs¹                 integer    64               max jobs in a batch
       MaxConcurrentCalls¹           integer    1                max concurrent jobs to process for a destination

Depending on your terminal/fonts/manpage processors, etc, the "superscript
1/2" may possibly appear as plain "1" or "S1", etc.

So MaxBatchJobs should be set in your faxq config file if you want batching:

But if all you want is to send multiple "documents" through 1 sendfax
invocation to 1 destination, all you need is:
	sendfax [ options ] -d +CCXXXXXNXXX document1 [document2 [...] ]

> Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
> > Il giorno mar, 02/01/2007 alle 12.52 +0530, Gunjan Gupta ha scritto:
> > [...]
> >> I want to send Multiple faxes to one destination through one sendfax
> >> call,
> >>
> >> Please let me know , is it possible ?
> >>
> >> And if possible hw to send it?
> > 
> > I think you should set MaxBatchJobs > 1 in your "config" file. This will
> > batch together (in one call) every fax job with the same destination. If
> > you don't have such option in your config file, than it is already
> > active and will batch together up to 64 faxes in one call.
> > 

Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 825-8700 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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