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[hylafax-users] Can any body help me with "No Carrier Detection"

HI to all,

Could any body forward me their confg file , so that I can check where I am lacking?

I would be very happy if any of you can help me out?

I am also sending u my config file that is prototype file.

I am using red hat linux 9 and Modem is MT-5634ZBA-V92  and hylafax 4.2.3.



# prototype config for Lucent LT Winmodem using ltmodem.o driver,

# as well as many other Lucent chipset modems.

# (They work well with all default Class 1 configs.)




CountryCode:                91

AreaCode:                     80

FAXNumber:                  25222886

LongDistancePrefix:       0

InternationalPrefix:         00

DialStringRules: etc/dialrules

ServerTracing:                1

SessionTracing:             11

RecvFileMode:               0600

LogFileMode:                 0600

DeviceMode:                  0600

RingsBeforeAnswer:       0

SpeakerVolume:                        off

GettyArgs:                    "-h %l dx_%s"

LocalIdentifier:   "NothingSetup"

TagLineFont:                 etc/lutRS18.pcf

TagLineFormat:              "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"

MaxRecvPages:             25



ModemType:                 Class1              # use this to supply a hint

ModemFlowControl:       rtscts                # many firmwares have broken software flow control

Class1TMConnectDelay:            400                   # counteract quick CONNECT response



# If your line supports Caller-ID, you may want to uncomment this...

#ModemResetCmds:      AT+VCID=1

# CallIDPattern: "NMBR="

# CallIDPattern: "NAME="

ModemDialCmd:                        ATX3DT%s

# Or with the MT5634ZBA-DID you'll probably need something like...

# ModemReadyCmds:    AT*DS1*DD0*DF1*DN4  # enable DTMF-DID, wink-start, 4 digits

#CallIDPattern:  "DTMF"             # format of AT*DF1

# CallIDAnswerLength:   4                      # four DTMF-DID digits then ATA



Thanks in advance



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