![]() |
This sounds great...let me work on this and get back to you....
On Sun, 21 May 2006 Aaron Stanford wrote :
>Here's a partial dump of my config.ttySX and FaxDispatch to use as templates:
>ModemType: Class2.1
>ModemRate: 57600 # for V.34 faxing
>ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&K0
>ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4
>ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3
>Class2APCmd: AT+FAP=1,1,1
>Class2BUGCmd: AT+FBU=0 # early firmware is buggy
>Class2SendRTC: yes
>Class2UseHex: yes
># Some firmwares do not report copy quality correction, although it
># is present and cannot be disabled. Thus modem-based CQ must be used.
>Class2CQQueryCmd: "!(00-02),(00-02)"
>Class2CQCmd: AT+FCQ=1,0
># versions that respond to AT+FFC=? with non-zero data support RTFCC
>Class2RTFCC: yes
># unfortunately, HylaFAX can't currently send or receive in color
># Also, the modem's extended resolution support is buggy
>ModemAnswerCmd: AT+FCC=1,,,,0;A
>ModemDialCmd: AT+FCC=1,,,,0;DT%s
># If your modem supports ECM you may want to do something like this
>Class2Cmd: AT+FCLASS=2.1;+FRY=4
># Or with the MT5634ZBA-DID you'll probably need something like...
>ModemReadyCmds: AT*DS1*DD0*DF1*DN3*DP1 # enable DTMF-DID, wink-start, 3 digits
>CallIDPattern: "DTMF" # format of AT*DF1
>CallIDAnswerLength: 3 # three DTMF-DID digits then ATA
>case "$CALLID1" in
>906) SENDTO=djohnson@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>905) SENDTO=aaron@xxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>900) SENDTO=jellinger@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>902) SENDTO=areid@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>904) SENDTO=bclute@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>903) SENDTO=jbuckman@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>901) SENDTO=khardy@xxxxxxxxxxx; FILETYPE=pdf;;
>Hope this helps,
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