HylaFAX-4.2.5 receiving on class1.
I had a case in which:
- HylaFAX told the remote end: MCF (confirm received OK)
- the received tiff file was corrupt
I think the sender sent 2 pages and HylaFAX put them in 1 page.
Looking at the attached logs you can see:
Sender sends 1st page
Sender sends MPS
HylaFAX rejects 1st page and sends RTN
Sender sends what I think is its 2nd page
HylaFAX confirms with MCF (and receive 1 corrupt page)
So, since sender said MPS and then sent just 1 page after RTN we can assume
sender ignored RTN; however, in this particular case maybe HylaFAX could
have known something was wrong since it received an MPS but in the end it
MCFed with just 1 page on hand?
Since the tiff is corrupt, is there a method to clean it? I tried tiffcp w/o
$ tiffcp -c none fax000011111.tif 1.tif
Fax4Decode: Warning, fax000035905.tif: Line length mismatch at scanline 151
(got 1729, expected 1728).
Fax4Decode: Warning, fax000035905.tif: Line length mismatch at scanline 151
(got 1882, expected 1728).
Fax4Decode: Warning, fax000035905.tif: Line length mismatch at scanline 151
(got 1740, expected 1728).