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Re: [hylafax-users] Can't receive faxes.

Hi Erik.

Is AT*B a valid command for your modem ?  You probably need to check your
modem command reference because if it's not valid then it may invoke a


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-----Original Message-----
From: Erik P. Olsen [mailto:erik@xxxxxx] 
Sent: 25 January 2006 15:38
To: andrew.rinaldi@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] Can't receive faxes.

Hi Andrew,

andrew rinaldi wrote:
> Hi Erik.
> "Is there a way in linux to send AT commands to the modem from a 
> terminal and get the answer back on the terminal? I think I need to 
> find out what that modem can do and what it can't."
> Minicom is a terminal emulation program which you can use to enter AT 
> commands.  We have some basic instructions on our website;
> http://www.mainpine.com/faqs/linux_ans/ans3_linux.htm

Thanks for your advice. I tried minicom and it worked fine until I issued an
AT*B command which provoked an error. After that I have not been able to
send commands any longer to the modem. Minicom just hangs and do not accept
input. Have you experienced that before?

Erik P. Olsen

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