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Re: [hylafax-users] JobRetryNoAnswer doesn't work?

I thought I found the problem. In Class2Modem::dialResponse is this line:

case 11: return (NOFCON); // No answer (T.30 timeout)

I changed the 'NOFCON' to 'NOANSWER'

case 11: return (NOANSWER); // No answer (T.30 timeout)

Unfortunately, this doesn't give the desired result, Hylafax still calls me three times. I have very little experience in C++, and because the Hylafax source code is a bit too complicated for me I don't know how to get some information into a logfile. This would be handy to see what's happening. How can I write something in a logfile? It doesn't matter if it is syslog or the session log.


Aidan Van Dyk wrote:

* Lee Howard <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [051123 12:32]:

In Class2Modem::dialResponse(), we do try and parse the FHNG resonses.

In a typical Class2 "No carrier" situation, we see somthing like:
	Nov 23 08:58:07.36: [26604]: DIAL 916196908599
	Nov 23 08:58:07.36: [26604]: <-- [25:ATS0=255;DT916196908599@\r]
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: --> [9:+FHNG: 11]
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: REMOTE HANGUP: No answer (T.30 T1 timeout) (code 11)
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: SEND FAILED: JOB 2059 DEST 916196908599 ERR No answer (T.30 T1 timeout)
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: --> [2:OK]
	Nov 23 08:59:13.44: [26604]: SESSION END

And +FHNG:11 response to the dial *should* go back to as ClassModem::NOANSWER.

That, in turn should be checked as retryMAX[NOANSWER] (where NOANSWER == 3)
in FaxServer::sendFax(...).

Mark, can you put ServerTracing up to 0xFFFF (put it first in the config
file so we see config file parsing) for the device, and show all the
logs for a complete set of sends on that job?  Session logs as well,
just for verification.

Send them to me directly, or post them if they are really large (which
they should be).

Is the 4.2.2 from source, or debian packages?


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