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Re: [hylafax-users] JobRetryNoAnswer doesn't work?

"Mark Hunting" <mark@xxxxxxxxxx>


I'm trying to prevent that my Hylafax-server calls normal (voice) phones three times, because this upsets people. So I was very glad to find the 'JobRetryNoAnswer' setting in Hylafax 4.2.2. I installed this version of Hylafax on my Debian machine, and set this option to 1.

JobRetryNoAnswer: 1


Is it possible you put this in the server config file? It's a common mistake - they belong in the per-device configuration files only (config.devid).


Darren Nickerson
Senior Sales & Support Engineer
iFAX Solutions, Inc. www.ifax.com
+1.215.438.4638 x8106
+ (fax)

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