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Re: [hylafax-users] hylafax with IBM iSeries

--- James Rich <james@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I read on the web site about a method for using
> hylafax with an IBM 
> iSeries (AS/400).  I've worked on a solution that
> uses gnu.hylafax and 
> works really well.

Well done.

> My iSeries programs send faxes
> quite easily now.  I 
> would be willing to share the code if it would be
> helpful.  Is this 
> something that anyone is interested in?

It's up to you if you want to share the code or not.
The hard task (at least for me), of sending fax from
the iSeries is how to create scripts and run them.
Because creating a outqueue was easy it was the
approach that I choosed.
Having a client running in the AS/400 side it's great
and using it with Uzaemon's tools it's a killer

<rant>Sharing the information in how to do it didn't
save me from having some guys bothering me to help
them and in the end they gave up easily or worse,
after giving some help they just simply stopped
answering my emails.</rant>

> James Rich


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