I'd like to understand how to control the comment lines of my text
better. I have created a cover postscript file with 6 comments. When I
fax a docuement using the sendfax command, I use \ before the newline
character as an attempt to indiate this is where I want a line break to
occur. It ends up on the received fax looking like it has separated it
making each of the six lines about the same length. From the sendfax
command, how can I pass a value for maxlencomments that faxcover uses.
Also, how do I indicate a place to go to the next comment line from the
sendfax command.
Here is an example of the sendfax command as I am trying to use it.
sendfax -C /usr/local/scripts/hyla/ -h ""
-X "1" -c "Your quote request is quote # Q34769\
mORE Comment Text\
Evan More TExt to comment on" -f "DIRK BARTLEY<dbartley@xxxxxxxxxxx>" -r
"Quote # Q34769" -x "ABSOLUTE MACHINING, LLC " -D -d
"DOUG@337-4642" /tmp/