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Hello Andreas, Quoting Andreas Mattheiss <andreas.mattheiss@xxxxxx>: > I just upgraded to 4.2.1 (Self-compiled on Linux). > > Something seems to be terribly wrong with bin/notify - apparently > virtually no variables are handed over. Look for bug http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=412 and especially the patch at attachment http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=800&action=view -- Patrice Fournier iFAX Solutions, Inc. www.ifax.com ____________________ HylaFAX(tm) Users Mailing List _______________________ To subscribe/unsubscribe, click http://lists.hylafax.org/cgi-bin/lsg2.cgi On UNIX: mail -s unsubscribe hylafax-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx < /dev/null *To learn about commercial HylaFAX(tm) support, mail sales@xxxxxxxxx*