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Re: [hylafax-users] Intermittent problem with a Multitech MT5634Z PX-PCI

* Lee Howard <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [050411 11:29]:
> On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Donald, Adam wrote:
> > I did have 1 more MT5634 which was also "stuck", and I ran 'minicom -o' on
> > it.  There I also experienced "RING" when I tried dialing the modem's
> > number.  I exited using "Q", which does not do a reset on the modem, and
> > tried dialing the number again.  The modem/faxgetty then picked up as it
> > would when it is functioning normally.
> After seeing minicom's lockfile come and go faxgetty will reset the 
> modem anyway.
> However, I don't know how to make sense of faxgetty previously not seeing 
> RING but minicom does.

Can we get an strace of faxgetty when it is "stuck"?

	ls -l /prod/$PID/fd 
	strace -tt -s 128 -o /tmp/strace.log -p $PID


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 438-4638 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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