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[hylafax-users] Fax Server Stopped Working



We have had a fax server up and running for almost a year and suddenly it has stopped working.  Calls are received by the server but get disconnected right away. 


  • We have checked the faxgettys and they are running and idle
  • We have checked t38modem, and it is up and running
  • We are not getting any debug info from the hylafax server


A debug from the Cisco shows that it is failing here…


Mar 24 15:25:14: h225SetupRequest: Q.931 SETUP sent from fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_recvdata: No Data on fd=2



Then a release complete is rec’d by the cisco from the hylafax server…



There has not been any changes on the server for a couple of months, and I am just confused why it has suddenly stopped working.  Any help would be greatly appreciated…






Here is the complete trace….





Mar 24 15:25:14: Changing to new event: CONNECT

h323chan_chn_connect: connecting to 674C7710:1720


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_gw_conn: Created socket fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_gw_conn: connect in progress on fd=2h323chan_chn_connect: using fd=2, owner_data(ccb) 0x66EB2738

changing from NONE state to CONNECTING state


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECT_PENDING has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: Changing to new event: CONNECTED

changing from CONNECTING state to CONNECTED state


Mar 24 15:25:14: h245_encode_faststart

Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING PDU ::=


value OpenLogicalChannel ::=


      forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1



        dataType audioData : g711Ulaw64k : 20

        multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters :


          sessionID 1

          mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 19231








Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 00000C60 13800A04 000100D1 A36D094B 1F

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: h245_encode_faststart

Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING PDU ::=


value OpenLogicalChannel ::=


      forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1



        dataType nullData : NULL

        multiplexParameters none : NULL




        dataType audioData : g711Ulaw64k : 20

        multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters :


          sessionID 1

          mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 19230


          mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 19231








Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 40 00000604 01004C60 13801114 000100D1 A36D094B 1E00D1A3 6D094B1F

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::=


value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::=


      version 18

      protoParam qsigNonStdInfo :


        iei 28

        rawMesg '1C399E0100036774640000002E49414D2C0D0A47...'H


      progIndParam progIndIEinfo :


        progIndIE '00000003'H






Mar 24 15:25:14: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= E0 01120001 1C3B1C39 9E010003 67746400 00002E49 414D2C0D 0A474349 2C633066 36653831 36396261 66313164 39383339 37636664 64633363 36366262 370D0A0D 0A048006 00040000 0003

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: compose_TunnelledSignallingMessage_cisco Tunnelled Content:





Mar 24 15:25:14:  The length of message content is:[46]

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::=


value H323_UserInformation ::=




        h323-message-body setup :


          protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }



            h323-ID : {"balt5850"}








                t35CountryCode 181

                t35Extension 0

                manufacturerCode 18







                voice :





            mc FALSE

            undefinedNode FALSE


          activeMC FALSE

          conferenceID 'C0F6E8169BAF11D98397CFDDC3C66BB7'H

          conferenceGoal create : NULL

          callType pointToPoint : NULL

          sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress :


            ip 'D1A36D09'H

            port 15420




            guid 'C0F6E8169BAF11D98399CFDDC3C66BB7'H







          mediaWaitForConnect FALSE

          canOverlapSend FALSE

          multipleCalls TRUE

          maintainConnection TRUE

          symmetricOperationRequired NULL







                group "AK161863"





        h245Tunneling FALSE





            nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard :


              t35CountryCode 181

              t35Extension 0

              manufacturerCode 18


            data 'E0011200011C3B1C399E0100036774640000002E...'H







            id tunnelledProtocolAlternateID :


              protocolType "gtd"













Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0004 01400700 62006100 6C007400 35003800 35003028 00B50000 12400138 00C0F6E8 169BAF11 D98397CF DDC3C66B B700CD1D 82800700 D1A36D09 3C3C1100 C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8399CFDD C3C66BB7 32021200 00000C60 13800A04 000100D1 A36D094B 1F1D4000 00060401 004C6013 80111400 0100D1A3 6D094B1E 00D1A36D 094B1F01 00010001 80018001 000A4207 414B3136 31383633 10A80100 520140B5 0000124B E0011200 011C3B1C 399E0100 03677464 0000002E 49414D2C 0D0A4743 492C6330 66366538 31363962 61663131 64393833 39376366 64646333 63363662 62370D0A 0D0A0480 06000400 00000335 02046774 64012E49 414D2C0D 0A474349 2C633066 36653831 36396261 66313164 39383339 37636664 64633363 36366262 370D0A0D 0A

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Hex representation of the SETUP TPKT to send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

Mar 24 15:25:14: h225SetupRequest: Q.931 SETUP sent from fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_recvdata: No Data on fd=2



Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data

h225ParseData: Q.931 RELEASE COMPLETE received on fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 25 C0060008 914A0004 58081100 8A369296 E69AD911 81A40003 47A0AB7F 02800100

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::=


value H323_UserInformation ::=




        h323-message-body releaseComplete :


          protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }

          reason undefinedReason : NULL



            guid '8A369296E69AD91181A4000347A0AB7F'H



        h245Tunneling FALSE






Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_recvdata: Connection lost fd=2h323chan_chn_close: Calls[1] Exist on socketfd=2 Owner[2]


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_close: TCP connection from fd=2 closed

14w0d: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 2, ConnectionId C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8397CFDD C3C66BB7, SetupTime 10:25:14.320 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, PeerAddress 4439121095, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 1F  , DisconnectText normal, unspecified (31), ConnectTime 10:25:14.360 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, DisconnectTime 10:25:14.360 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0

14w0d: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 2, ConnectionId C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8397CFDD C3C66BB7, SetupTime 10:25:14.356 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, PeerAddress 4439121095, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 1   , DisconnectText unassigned number (1), ConnectTime 10:25:14.420 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, DisconnectTime 10:25:14.420 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0

14w0d: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 2, ConnectionId C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8397CFDD C3C66BB7, SetupTime 10:25:14.416 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, PeerAddress 4439121095, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 1   , DisconnectText unassigned number (1), ConnectTime 10:25:14.476 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, DisconnectTime 10:25:14.476 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0

Mar 24 15:25:14: Changing to new event: CONNECT

h323chan_chn_connect: connecting to 674C7710:1720


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_gw_conn: Created socket fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_gw_conn: connect in progress on fd=2h323chan_chn_connect: using fd=2, owner_data(ccb) 0x66EB2738

changing from NONE state to CONNECTING state


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECT_PENDING has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: Changing to new event: CONNECTED

changing from CONNECTING state to CONNECTED state


Mar 24 15:25:14: h245_encode_faststart

Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING PDU ::=


value OpenLogicalChannel ::=


      forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1



        dataType audioData : g711Ulaw64k : 20

        multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters :


          sessionID 1

          mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 20533








Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 00 00000C60 13800A04 000100D1 A36D0950 35

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: h245_encode_faststart

Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING PDU ::=


value OpenLogicalChannel ::=


      forwardLogicalChannelNumber 1



        dataType nullData : NULL

        multiplexParameters none : NULL




        dataType audioData : g711Ulaw64k : 20

        multiplexParameters h2250LogicalChannelParameters :


          sessionID 1

          mediaChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 20532


          mediaControlChannel unicastAddress : iPAddress :


            network 'D1A36D09'H

            tsapIdentifier 20533








Mar 24 15:25:14: H245 FS OLC OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 40 00000604 01004C60 13801114 000100D1 A36D0950 3400D1A3 6D095035

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING PDU ::=


value H323_UU_NonStdInfo ::=


      version 18

      protoParam qsigNonStdInfo :


        iei 28

        rawMesg '1C399E0100036774640000002E49414D2C0D0A47...'H






Mar 24 15:25:14: H225 NONSTD OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 60 01120001 1C3B1C39 9E010003 67746400 00002E49 414D2C0D 0A474349 2C633066 36653831 36396261 66313164 39383339 37636664 64633363 36366262 370D0A0D 0A

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: compose_TunnelledSignallingMessage_cisco Tunnelled Content:





Mar 24 15:25:14:  The length of message content is:[46]

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 OUTGOING PDU ::=


value H323_UserInformation ::=




        h323-message-body setup :


          protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }



            h323-ID : {"balt5850"}








                t35CountryCode 181

                t35Extension 0

                manufacturerCode 18







                voice :





            mc FALSE

            undefinedNode FALSE


          activeMC FALSE

          conferenceID 'C0F6E8169BAF11D98397CFDDC3C66BB7'H

          conferenceGoal create : NULL

          callType pointToPoint : NULL

          sourceCallSignalAddress ipAddress :


            ip 'D1A36D09'H

            port 15421




            guid 'C0F6E8169BAF11D98399CFDDC3C66BB7'H







          mediaWaitForConnect FALSE

          canOverlapSend FALSE

          multipleCalls TRUE

          maintainConnection TRUE

          symmetricOperationRequired NULL







                group "AK161863"





        h245Tunneling FALSE





            nonStandardIdentifier h221NonStandard :


              t35CountryCode 181

              t35Extension 0

              manufacturerCode 18


            data '60011200011C3B1C399E0100036774640000002E...'H







            id tunnelledProtocolAlternateID :


              protocolType "gtd"













Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 OUTGOING ENCODE BUFFER::= 20 A0060008 914A0004 01400700 62006100 6C007400 35003800 35003028 00B50000 12400138 00C0F6E8 169BAF11 D98397CF DDC3C66B B700CD1D 82800700 D1A36D09 3C3D1100 C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8399CFDD C3C66BB7 32021200 00000C60 13800A04 000100D1 A36D0950 351D4000 00060401 004C6013 80111400 0100D1A3 6D095034 00D1A36D 09503501 00010001 80018001 000A4207 414B3136 31383633 10A80100 490140B5 00001242 60011200 011C3B1C 399E0100 03677464 0000002E 49414D2C 0D0A4743 492C6330 66366538 31363962 61663131 64393833 39376366 64646333 63363662 62370D0A 0D0A3502 04677464 012E4941 4D2C0D0A 4743492C 63306636 65383136 39626166 31316439 38333937 63666464 63336336 36626237 0D0A0D0A

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Hex representation of the SETUP TPKT to send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

Mar 24 15:25:14: h225SetupRequest: Q.931 SETUP sent from fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_recvdata: No Data on fd=2



Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data

h225ParseData: Q.931 RELEASE COMPLETE received on fd=2

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 25 C0060008 914A0004 58081100 90AEAA96 E69AD911 81A40003 47A0AB7F 02800100

Mar 24 15:25:14:

Mar 24 15:25:14: H225.0 INCOMING PDU ::=


value H323_UserInformation ::=




        h323-message-body releaseComplete :


          protocolIdentifier { 0 0 8 2250 0 4 }

          reason undefinedReason : NULL



            guid '90AEAA96E69AD91181A4000347A0AB7F'H



        h245Tunneling FALSE






Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_chn_process_read_socket: fd=2 of type CONNECTED has data


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_recvdata: Connection lost fd=2h323chan_chn_close: Calls[1] Exist on socketfd=2 Owner[2]


Mar 24 15:25:14: h323chan_close: TCP connection from fd=2 closed

14w0d: %VOIPAAA-5-VOIP_CALL_HISTORY: CallLegType 2, ConnectionId C0F6E816 9BAF11D9 8397CFDD C3C66BB7, SetupTime 10:25:14.480 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, PeerAddress 4439121095, PeerSubAddress , DisconnectCause 1F  , DisconnectText normal, unspecified (31), ConnectTime 10:25:14.520 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, DisconnectTime 10:25:14.520 EST Thu Mar 24 2005, CallOrigin 1, ChargedUnits 0, InfoType 2, TransmitPackets 0, TransmitBytes 0, ReceivePackets 0, ReceiveBytes 0



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