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Re: [hylafax-users] [hylafax-devel] hosts.hfaxd file

On 2004.12.28 07:52 anabela abreu wrote:
I´m using hylafax 4.20 on fedora core 3 and i´m using hylafax windows client WHFC, and a think there is something wrong whit file hosts.hfaxd, because my login in my client is anabela and i have off course anabela in my hosts.hfaxd whit a password, but if i delete anabela and put 'a' or 'ana' the client still accepts the login anabela.
And so my question is this a bug, because i think that he should not accept the login anabela if i put there only 'ana' or 'a'.
Could some help me whit this.

After you create the "anabela" entry in the hosts.hfaxd file, modify the first field to be:


Coupled with a password, this should keep the access to this user fairly secure.


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