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> :0 ic:faxtmp.lock > | rm -f $METAMAIL_TMPDIR/mm.* > > such that it will remove the appropriate file. The MIME part for > this section used to be unnamed and thus got saved to disk as "mm.<$RANDOM>". > > Lee. hello. in the "faxtmp" folder there are two files: 1)"1-Mqr6THz" (ASCII/text): PRINTEDFAX: TRUE CLIENTVERSION: 5.0.4 FAXNUMBER: 098423274, "", "" FROMLINE: contabilita@xxxxxxxxxx BILLINGCODE: <Default> FAXPASSWORD: contabilita FROMNAME: contabilita PRIORITY: 50 CONFIRMSEND: TRUE ATTACHFAXFILE: TRUE NOCOVERPAGE: TRUE 2)"RFX000~2.TIF" (TIFF image data, little-endian) that contain the image so i ask you, if i change rm -f $METAMAIL_TMPDIR/mm.* with rm -f $METAMAIL_TMPDIR/1* i don't resolve the problem. while if i add in the lines with "...$METAMAIL/faxtmp/*(.TIF)" i can send only the others pages; but the notify that i receive with e-mail i can't see a copy of the fax. ____________________ HylaFAX(tm) Users Mailing List _______________________ To subscribe/unsubscribe, click http://lists.hylafax.org/cgi-bin/lsg2.cgi On UNIX: mail -s unsubscribe hylafax-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx < /dev/null *To learn about commercial HylaFAX(tm) support, mail sales@xxxxxxxxx*