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[hylafax-users] Solution found! (was script for sendfax only works from shell)

I have found the solution to the described problem!

The locale was not set and so the body was not converted properly because of non-ascii characters.


--On 18.12.2003 22:51 +0100 Juergen R. Plasser wrote:

I have modified some script from the lists archive to send incoming
emails as fax. When I invoke the script from shell (as user fax)
everything works fine, but when it is started automatically (it is
anchored in postfix) there are problems. The email that should be
converted to fax consist of a plain text body and a tiff file attachment.

The problem seems to be the from metamail (see script below) created body
file of the email. The tiff file alone is sent without any problems, but
the ascii text file leads to:

rule: offset 0 ascii = -- failed (unprintable char 0xfc)
rule: offset 0 ascii = -- failed (unprintable char 0xfc)

whereas the script when involed from shell (fed with an email) logs to:

rule: offset 0 ascii = -- success (result postscript, rule "%F/textfmt -B
-f Courier-Bold      -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s %s >%o <%i") CONVERT
"/usr/lib/fax/textfmt -B -f Courier-Bold        -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s
default >/tmp//sndfaxiDH8wM </home/tiffax/11139/mm.ypkWRF" ...

Am I missing something?

Here are parts of the script:

# !/bin/sh


# metamail env

# store the message

# invoke metamail
metamail -x -w ${TMP_MESSAGE_FILE} 2>&1 > /dev/null


for i in ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/mm*
        FILES_TO_FAX="${FILES_TO_FAX} $i"

for i in ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/*.tif
        FILES_TO_FAX="${FILES_TO_FAX} $i"

# invoke sendfax for mailbody and tifs
        -v -v \
        -n \
        -m \
        -D \
        -c "${FAX_COMMENTS}" \
        -f "${FAX_FROM}" \
        -r "${FAX_REGARDING}" \
        -x "${FAX_COMPANY}" \
        -d "${FAX_NUMBER}" \

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-- DI Jürgen R. Plasser * *** ***** ****** ********* plasser@xxxxxxxxxx HEXAGON EDV-Dienstleistungen | A-4221 Steyregg | Weissenwolffstraße 14 www.hexagon.at | info@xxxxxxxxxx | it-sicherheit | internet | software

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