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Re: [hylafax-users] help needed in faxrcvd script

Sam Kalet wrote:
Proposed Solution:

FILENAME=`echo $FILE | sed -e 's/\.tif//'`
/usr/bin/tiff2ps -a $FILE | lpr -P BrotherFax -o natural-scaling=95 -o
/usr/bin/tiff2ps -a -O $SPOOL/$FILENAME.ps $SPOOL/$FILE
/usr/bin/ps2pdf $SPOOL/$FILENAME.ps $SPOOL/$FILENAME.pdf

This looks good. I would then add:

FN2=`date +%Y%m%d-%T`
Ahh, but that's not quite the same as the time the file was created...

mv $SPOOL/$FILENAME.pdf /home/public/FAX/$FN2.pdf

This will yield a filename of 20030806-09:33:07.pdf for a file created now.
The syntax of the format string to the date command is for Solaris - it might
differ on your platform.

Is this what you are looking for? I would be concerned about two files being
created during the same second (with the same name). I suggest you preserve
the original queue name in the filename somewhere since they are guaranteed to
be unique. So:

mv $SPOOL/$FILENAME.pdf /home/public/FAX/$FN2-$FILENAME.pdf

which yields a filename like 20030806-09:33:07-fax00009.pdf. This also lets
you correlate the fax with the logs easier, in case you need to debug a problem
reported later.

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