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Re: [hylafax-users] How do I get apache to run sendfax?

Hi all,

I don't know if this is safer, but I've done the following:

1) for my needs, I made a perl script that actually calls sendfax as

   open(SENDFAX, "|/usr/bin/sendfax -n -d 5551212" );
   print SENDFAX "This is what I want to send\n";

2) the perl script has the following permissions:

   "-rwx--s--x    1 root     nobody"

   which would allow the apache process to execute the script

3) this script is called from the CGI script

I don't know with %100 certainly that this is safe though. Any ideas?
Thanks !


On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Lee Howard wrote:

> On 2003.07.08 05:43 Thayne Saiger wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using hylafax to send faxes with a website by creating a PDF. The
> > trouble I am having is that the sendfax command wont run. I can run
> > other
> > commands i.e. whereis and get a result on screen, and I can send faxes
> > on
> > the command prompt but the same command won't run in apache, what
> > permissions do I change to allow apache to run the sendfax command?
> I've encountered this kind of problem before and discovered that Apache
> (PHP) was launching the command in too restrictive of a shell,
> especially with regards to paths, and I had to adjust this.
> Lee.
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