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Re: [hylafax-users] The Big Pitch

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 09:56, Bruner, Andrew wrote:
> Is there a rule of thumb for the ratio of number of modems to number of
> user?

your actual needs can be calculated/estimated based on a number of
factors, including:
- number of users
- number of fax pages per user
- desired duty cycle of modems
- deadlines - how quickly must they be delivered
- how deep can the send queue be (from usability and disk storage
- will some users take precedence over other users?

> Also, I'm pitching Hylafax to the Director of my Division, potentially
> Hylafax could serve 10,000 users. If anyone has put together a presentation
> for Hylafax....I'd like to take a look.

That's great!  It's also a lot of users.

good luck,


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