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[hylafax-users] authentication problems

I am failing miserably at setting up an admin password so I can delete 
faxes queued for delivery.  I've found the writeups about faxadduser 
and hosts.hfaxd, and have done things like
	faxadduser -a thepassword 'root@millerclan\.com'
	faxadduser -a thepassword root

which put what seem like plausible strings into hosts.hfaxd.  But all 
attempts to use "faxrm -a" on a job ID come back with a rejection of 
the password, even if I'm logged in as root.  For instance:

> [root@millerclan etc]# faxadduser -a thepassword root
> [root@millerclan etc]# more hosts.hfaxd
> localhost
> root:::Ne546hBIhMf1c
> [root@millerclan etc]# whoami
> root
> [root@millerclan etc]# faxrm -a 123
> Password:
> Admin failed: 530 Password incorrect.

or, with more detail:

> [root@millerclan etc]# faxrm -a -h localhost -v 123
> Trying localhost ( at port 4559...
> Connected to localhost.localdomain.
> 220 millerclan.com server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1.5) ready.
> -> USER root
> 230 User root logged in.
> Password:
> 530 Password incorrect.
> Admin failed: 530 Password incorrect.

I'm not trying to do anything fancy involving networked machines; I'll 
be happy if I can just use faxrm when I'm logged into the machine 
that's running hylafax.  Any advice?


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