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[hylafax-users] MT5634ZBA-V92 and other Agere/Lucent-based MultiTechs

For those of you who run MT5634ZBA-V92 or MT5634ZPX-V92 modems and have 
been awaiting the 1.28 firmware release...


That should fix most, if not all, of the V.34 and MMR problems (at 
least those of which I'm aware) and would allow those that use these 
modems to switch from Class 1 to Class 2.1 usage.

Now I'm not necessarily recommending that you do so, but simply 
alerting everyone to the availability.

HylaFAX has supported Class 2.1 and V.34 since 4.1.3 days (if I 
remember right) and MMR since 4.1.5.  As far as I'm aware, these are 
the first analog modems to support these features reliably with a 
publicly-released firmware.  So, I for one, am excited to see this.


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