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[hylafax-users] [Fwd: Ecartis: Post sent to moderator.]
I'm guessing this message got bounced to mod because
Ecartis can't match the Reply-To: address. I have
subscribed as 'me@andydunn.ca' which is the correct
external address for non-work e-mail. The Reply-To:
matches that. But the From: is the work e-mail of
'amdunn@AxisCT.Net'. Is there any way to set up
Ecartis to have an alternate e-mail that also will
match, so my posts don't go to moderation?
-------- Original Message --------
From: - Wed Apr 16 08:27:06 2003
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Received: from polaris.dazza.org (polaris.dazza.org []) by dalwhinnie.AxisCT.Net
(8.11.6/8.11.0) with ESMTP id h3GCFoe09514 for <amdunn@AxisCT.Net>; Wed, 16 Apr 2003 08:15:51
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Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 05:28:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ecartis <ecartis@hylafax.org>
Reply-To: amdunn@AxisCT.Net
To: amdunn@AxisCT.Net
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Expiry-Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 05:28:49 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Ecartis: Post sent to moderator.
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>> Post to list hylafax-users
Post submitted to moderator for reason: Non-member submission to closed-post
--- Message which triggered moderation ----
>From amdunn@AxisCT.Net Wed Apr 16 05:28:49 2003
Return-Path: <amdunn@AxisCT.Net>
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Message-ID: <3E9D4BE1.50908@AxisCT.Net>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 08:26:09 -0400
From: Andrew M Dunn <amdunn@AxisCT.Net>
Reply-To: me@andydunn.ca
Organization: Axis Computing Technologies
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To: hylafax-users@hylafax.org
Subject: Setting owner versus sender
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X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.53 (
X-Virus-Scanned: by AMaViS snapshot-20020300
Has anyone found a way to change the OWNER of a
fax job, submitted using sendfax? Sendfax will
accept a -f parameter which allows you to set the
'sender' (ie. the person who will receive status
notifications), but the 'owner' is still the Unix
user who logged in and ran /usr/local/bin/sendfax.
Only the 'owner' is able to delete or faxrm the
job, and if the fax job is submitted by a script,
the owner winds up being the system user (usually
sys, bin, daemon, cron or root) which ran the
script. That doesn't leave many chances for the
ability to delete the job later.
What I want to do is either set the owner, or just
have the owner set the same as the sender (which I
CAN set using the -f option).
The only alternative I can think of is to go
hacking around in the /var/spool/hylafax/sendq/q*
files and explicitly re-write them so that the
owner is set the same as the sender. Messy and
hacky, and I'd prefer not to do it that way.
Any ideas?
Andrew M. Dunn VE3XAD
Managing Director, Axis Computing Technologies
Conductor/Supt. Bldgs & Bridges, South Simcoe Rwy.
Andrew M. Dunn VE3XAD
Managing Director, Axis Computing Technologies
Conductor/Supt. Bldgs & Bridges, South Simcoe Rwy.
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