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[hylafax-users] Everything OK, BUT.....

Dear hylafax-users,

I configured a Cobalt Qube3 (qute machine running linux see: http://www.sun.com/hardware/serverappliances/qube3/)
as a faxserver with hylafax.
Now (almost) everything works fine, sending, recieving, whatever! :)

If I recieve (well, the machine really :)) a fax this is send to my
e-mail adres,

I recieve a mail with a attached file "fax000x.tif" (the "x" is the
fax#). But this file is zero bytes!

Contents of this mail message with a attachment "fax0003.tif"

recvq/fax00003.tif (ftp://host.domain.nl:4559/recvq/fax00003.tif):
    Sender: 04xxxxxx
     Pages: 1
   Quality: Fine
      Page: ISO A4
  Received: 2003:04:14 09:03:34
TimeToRecv: 0:32
SignalRate: 14400 bit/s
DataFormat: 2-D MR
ReceivedOn: ttyS0
    CommID: c00000022 (ftp://host.domain.nl:4559/log/c00000022

So the attached file appears to be empty.(0 bytes).

Can anyone help me with this problem? If this is solved then our
officemachine kan retire :)


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