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Re: [hylafax-users] Which version shoul I use

prime factory: Michael Jürgens said:
> Hello,
> I´m new to hylafax and using an SUSE 7.2 System which should act as a
> trusted email to fax gateway. It´s only reachable from the intranet.
> Enclosed with susu 7.2 is hylafax-4.1beta2.
> On the the binary ftp server I found hylafax-4.1-16
> The current release is 4.1.5.
> Which version should I use. Is hylafax hard to compile on suse?
> Best regards,
> Michael

I can't say anything for building HylaFAX on SuSE, never used it, but it
built very well on Red Hat when I built from source the first time. I wouuld
definitely get something newer than 4.1beta2, there has been a lot of work
done on the software since then. I'd use 4.1.5 if I were you, there might
even be a decent chance that someone on the list has built a package for it,
seems like quite a few people are using that OS.
ISTR something weird about SuSE and HylaFAX, although I think it was just
with ISDN stuff. You might want to check the archives about that if you plan
on going that direction.


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