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Re: [hylafax-users] Debian/Hylafax Setup

On Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:57:23 -0700
"Daniel L. Miller" <dmiller@amfes.com> wrote:

> I'm still trying to get a client to work properly.  I'll get back to
> that - I'll be happy if I can just use my server to browse the received
> faxes.  I can see the .tif files in my 'recvq' directory.  With
> single-page faxes - no problem.  But I'm not showing the other pages in
> a multi-page fax - what's wrong?

Multi-page faxes are contained in a single TIFF file.

You can view the separate pages using a TIFF viewer such
as GNU Halifax or convert them to PostScript or extract
individual pages with the libtiff tools (tiff2ps).

ImageMagick display will also allow viewing of multi-page
TIFF files.

Frank Peters

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