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Re: [hylafax-users] received fax not emailed

>>>not emailed to FaxMaster (remote user) nor is a notification. They can be
>>>retrived via a hylafax client.
>>>I have set up /etc/aliases (FaxMaster: username@mydomain.com),
>>Did you run newaliases afterwards?
 > How do I run newaliases?

Just type "newaliases" at the command prompt.

> But if I use: grep -i sendmail /var/spool/fax/config/defaults/setup.cache 
> I get:  SENDMAIL='/usr/sbin/sendmail'
>>Can you send emails manually using this command?
> I don't know how to do that.

I'm not either ;-)
Type the following at the command prompt:

echo "some text" | mailx -s"Test" [your emailaddress]

This should send you a mail to your account.

Is the faxserver also the mailserver or has sendmail to forward all 
outgoing mail?


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