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Re: [hylafax-users] Negative image when sending in "fine" resolution(sendfax -m)

On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 14:38:01 -0600
"Dennis B. Hamon" <dhamon@auditory.com> wrote:

> Odd problem here...
> I've compared the tif header's of my files and the other correctly 
> faxing tif's -but don't see any significant difference in fields.
>  In particular, the Photometric Interpretation (260) is set correctly.
> I realize this isn't a libtiff group, but am looking to see if anyone
> has any clues as to what would cause hylafax to do this reversal, so 
> I have a better shot at debugging my converter.

When HylaFAX is given a TIFF file for transmission, it first submits
the file to the tiff2fax shell cript, which checks the file using 
the ELF executable tiffcheck.

You may want to examine tiff2fax and also the manual page for

tiff2fax is located in the spool/hylafax/bin directory.

Frank Peters

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