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Re: [hylafax-users] problems with usr courier...

On 2003.03.12 07:03 Bill Dossett wrote:

> I've never had 100% success with couriers and
> now this is happening and my boss is wondering if
> we shoud be buying a comercial or M$ product ...

If spending the money makes someone feel good, then that's one thing, 
but spending that money won't fix the firmware flaws in the Courier 
itself.  I strongly suspect you'd be experiencing the same trouble with 
most any program.

> Basically, I don't mind buying a better
> fax modem.. is there one that is totally recommended
> by hylafax,

Most anything will be better than the USR, if configured correctly.  
Still, I have yet to find an analog fax modem that doesn't have *some* 
kind of firmware trouble.  I've tested MultiTech MT5634ZBA-V92's quite 
thoroughly, and there are very, very few flaws with it's Class 1 
implementation, and very, very few flaws in it's Class 2/2.0/2.1 
implementation in the 1.28 firmware revision (which may not be released 
yet).  But still, there are flaws.  I've not yet detected a problem 
using BrookTrout TruFax cards (using HylaFAX enterprise software from 
iFax), but I have not tested them as thoroughly as I have the others.

> Mar 12 14:43:15.70: [26753]: RECV send RTN (retrain negative)
> Mar 12 14:43:15.70: [26753]: <-- [9:AT+FRH=3\r]
> Mar 12 14:43:16.98: [26753]: --> [7:CONNECT]
> Mar 12 14:43:17.12: [26753]: --> [2:OK]
> Mar 12 14:43:17.12: [26753]: RECV recv DCN

It's debatable as to whether the sender or the receiver is at fault 
here.  Now, if there is a firmware fault at play here, then that could 
complicate this, but basically the scenario is that the receiver 
rejected page quality, expected the sender to resend the same page, and 
instead it hung up.  So maybe they intend to call back?  Hard to tell 
what's going on here.


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