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Re: [hylafax-users] Emailing from Scanner/Copier to hylafax

Hello, Jeff!

First, I want to wish a Happy New Year.

On 25 Dec 2002, Jeff Borders wrote:
| Hello,
| I've got hylafax working fine through postfix.  However, when scanning a
| document through our network scanner/copier and emailing it through the
| hylafax setup, I get "DISCARDED application/pdf GOES HERE".
| Plan A:
| I know the scanner emails documents as tiff attachments and that hylafax
| only accepts ASCI or PS files.  Where and how do I intercept this
| attachment and convert it to postscript?  It seems that if it can
| recognize an invalid attachement and discard it, why can't it go ahead
| and convert it with tiff2ps?
| Plan B:
| I thought of setting up and forwarding to a netfax user and doing some
| procmail stuff and then forwarding on to hylafax, but I'm not real
| strong with procmail recipes.
| TIA- Jeff Borders

Well, BOTH plans appear a little bit too complicated to me. I would do it in a
slightly different way by

a.) Adding an ALIAS into /etc/aliases which does a PIPE into a program or
    shell script. This is the easiest way to feed a mail into your own soft
    and I do this to send my invoices out by FAX or PDF-eMail since a long
    time. (I embed the fax-number and e-Mail address as PostScript comments
    at the top of the file and parse them out in a bash script before pro-
    cessing the PS-file)

    Here a skeleton as suggestion. This is not to be understood as a really
    usable script, but it should give you an idea on how to proceed.
    mailfax:  |/root/bin/sendmyfax.sh
    Then you have to create an executable /root/bin/sendmyfax.sh (regardless
    which language you use) and let it read in everything from StdIn into a
    file at the very beginning. Then it depends on you how you process this
    mail afterwards.
    cat - > $workfile

    # Here you do with $workfile whatever you want
    # to get out the TIF file and convert it into
    # PostScript

    sendfax .................  Here you launch the FAX

b.) In the case that you have the possibility to enter the recipient's
    FAX number on the scanner (I have absolutely no idea how your scanner
    works with mailing a FAX), you can possibly do something similar to
    a.), but through a network printer queue.

Anyway: I think that it will be much easier in handling if you control the
scanner through a PC and let WHFC or something similar do the transfer to the


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

|      \\|//              Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software |
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| Khunngasse 21/20    |   www: http://www.hantsch.co.at               |
| A-1030 Vienna       |   tel: +43-1-79885380    fax: +43-1-798853818 |
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