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[hylafax-users] Problem with reception of multiples pages

I have HylaFAX 4.1.5 running on debian woody system and modem is on ttyS0.
I experienced 2 times from different senders (completely) that I can't receive 
more pages than one. In fact in the log there are all pages, but in the recvq 
there's only one (the first). In the etc/config.ttyS0 is MaxRecvPages set to 
50 (now I wrote back default 25). Also I had to write into the 
etc/config.ttyS0 FaxRcvdCmd: bin/faxrcvd to get the mail by postfix. Now I 
receive the mail that points to the ftp site of rcvq where is the file, but 
even with the FaxDispatch in place it won't send directly the file itself.
I'd appreciate any help on this subject, because I'm in a pretty uncomfortable 
I also think, that this problem with the 2 or more pages not received could 
take place in the creation of the tif image. The log says that the page is 
set to unlimited, and in the mail there's A4 as format of the file, so can't 
be this the problem, that the tiff image is created as a A4 and it throws 
away all the rest that comes with it?!
Thanks & regards

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