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Re: [hylafax-users] Receive error (RSPREC error/got DCN) Help Needed!!

Additional Info:
I can send out fine! Without any problems!!
My Modem Setup file: (The modem supports and is setup for Distinctive Ringing - last line)
CountryCode:  44
AreaCode:  01323
FAXNumber:  +441323729828
LongDistancePrefix: 1
InternationalPrefix: 011
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:  1
SessionTracing:  11
RecvFileMode:  0644
LogFileMode:  0644
DeviceMode:  0666
RingsBeforeAnswer: 2
SpeakerVolume:  on
GettyArgs:  "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier: "01323729828"
TagLineFont:  etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:  "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages:  100
RingFax:  "RING1"
PercentGoodLines: 0
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:  Class1  # use this to supply a hint
ModemRate:  19200  # rate for DCE-DTE communication
ModemFlowControl: rtscts  # default
ModemNoFlowCmd:  AT&K0  # setup no flow control
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3  # setup hardware flow control
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4  # setup software flow control
ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2  # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1  # setup so DCD reflects carrier (or not)
ModemMfrQueryCmd: !Rockwell
ModemModelQueryCmd: !RC288DPi
ModemRevQueryCmd: ATI3  # product information
ModemDialCmd:  ATDT%s  # T for tone dialing
ModemResetCmds:  AT-SDR=1

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