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Re: [hylafax-users] FaxMaster problem

thanks a lot, I hope it will work.
I use postfix since I didn't know how to work with exim (default in woody)...
I found also some things in the HylaFAX doc:
1. I found on the HylaFAX website that for each modem should be in 
config.ttyS0 the line: FaxRcvdCmd: bin/faxrcvd (this should execute the 
posting of the mails, but this wasn't in the default config files, did You 
have somewhere or simply do You have it somewhere?).
2. I use a USR 56k extern modem on ttyS0. It works fine, but I have yet a 
little problem: when call is received and the other side hangs up, so there's 
not a fax, the modem hangs up after 30 seconds. I tried to set the 
LockFileTimeout in config.ttyS0 and in config, but it didn't do any effect, 
the modem sreams for 30s and then it's prepared for another call, but this is 
quite a detail with relatively small importance...
Thanks once again:)

On Thursday 12 December 2002 08:46, you wrote:
> >At 19:42 2002-12-10 +0100, you wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>I installed HylaFAX on Debian woody 3.0 system from the sources of the
> version
> >>4.1.5. I have read almost all the documentation on the site, the man
> >> pages, but still I have problem understanding, why when I receive a fax,
> >> I can't
> get
> >>it sent to the faxmaster (I have made the FaxDispatch as said in the
> >>manuals), but I don't get the received fax in the mail, it simply stays
> >> in the recvq directory, and this was the same even without any
> >> modifications
> of
> >>the configuration with the defaults. I use for the local delivery postfix
> and
> >>it's working, because I get all mails from faxcron and anything else.
> Well, I use the same Woody and the same source compilation. Check there are
> users like: faxmaster and fax in /etc/passwd file. I use postfix too. Check
> in /etc/aliases record like:
> # alias for notification messages from HylaFAX servers
> FaxMaster: root
> and in /etc/postfix/aliases:
> FaxMaster: root, abuc
> if you don`t have it just type into the files.
> Defaulty the FaxMaster receives an e-mail like following:
> ===========================================
> recvq/fax00058.tif (
>     Sender: 48717009000
>      Pages: 2
>    Quality: Normal
>       Page: ISO A4
>   Received: 2002:11:13 12:55:11
> TimeToRecv: 0:51
> SignalRate: 14400 bit/s
> DataFormat: 2-D MR
> ReceivedOn: ttyS3
>     CommID: c00000102 (
> The facsimile was automatically dispatched to:
> a.buczkowski@hrpartner.com.pl.
> ===============================================
> When you type in FaxDispatch file:
> SENDTO=user@domain; FILETYPE=pdf;;
> (it may be FaxMaster or any user on hylafax server instead of user@domain)
> then you should receive 1st e-mail with attached file in pdf format into
> account user@domain and the second like above. I hope it help you.
> Good luck.
> It
> >>seems that one script isn't executed when a fax is received, like the
> faxrcvd
> >>script.  I ask this, because I didn't find it on the website or anywhere
> else
> >>and I would appreciate any help.
> >>Thanks
> >>Matej
> ****************************************************
> Aleksander Buczkowski
> Dział Informatyki
> ActaHR Sp. z o. o.
> ul. Ruska 3/4 Wrocław
> tel. +48 71 7846367
> e-mail:  a.buczkowski@actahr.pl
> ****************************************************

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